It's so easy to be distracted by gear today, and while it can inspire us, new gear alone won't make your music better.
In fact, it's been my personal experience that chasing the latest synth or effect often keeps me from learning to get the most from what I already have.
My goal is to share the basic principles of composition, arrangement, production, and sound design that have helped me throughout the years - drawing on my decades of training and experience as a pianist, organist, and composer in the classical world, as well as the last ten years of producing and releasing my own music.
It's great to have you here!
Learn the Basics of Synthesis
If you'd like to learn or brush up on your synth terminology and architecture, here's a FREE 20 minute workshop walking you through all the building blocks using the easy-to-understand Moog Matriarch as our guide.
Sounds Great!
Join over 10k other artists, composers, and producers for weekly, actionable tips from a 20-year professional musician.