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Silence is the most powerful tool in music. Oct 14, 2023

As a college freshman, I found myself slightly terrified and performing Chopin's Scherzo in B-Flat Minor in a masterclass (basically a public lesson with a guest pianist who had come to campus to perform a recital).

In that piece there's a moment where Chopin omits the first note of the opening...

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You don't have to know everything... Oct 07, 2023

When I started learning music production, it took me a looong time to work up the courage and confidence to release anything out into the world.

I wanted it to be perfect. I didn't want people to question whether I knew what I was doing (spoiler: I didn't).

There were two problems with my...

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Bach Didn't Write Chord Progressions... Sep 30, 2023

I don’t think Bach ever sat down and thought “gee, I’ve got to figure out a slapping chord progression for this week’s cantata….”

In fact, I don’t think Bach really thought about chord progressions at all.

When writing for a choir, or chamber...

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