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Please Steal My Sh*t Nov 18, 2023

As you know, neither this newsletter, nor my YouTube channel feature any paid sponsorships. This is a deliberate decision that allows me to focus on making quality educational courses that I actually believe in (because I actually made them). If you're interested in diving deeper into the topics...

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Focus on TIMELESS Concepts Nov 11, 2023

I'm going to be incredibly transparent with you in this newsletter. I'm intentionally building my YouTube channel differently than most that I see in the music/gear space.

You may have noticed that a lot of YouTube channels are built around current events.

Something happens in the financial...

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Why are B Sections SO HARD? Nov 04, 2023

Most of us can probably relate to coming up with a really cool 4 bar loop or 8 bar phrase and then.....having no idea where to go from there.

We've heard that we need to come up with some kind of a "B Section."

But what does that even mean? What makes a good B Section?? Who says songs can't...

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Your Listeners Don't Care about Your Gear Oct 28, 2023

There's been some discussion on Twitter (X?) recently about the importance of gear. And of course, it was presented very maturely and in a manner definitely not combative for the sake of Twitter engagement:


The reality is, it's true that the listener doesn't care what gear you use. Most...

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Focusing on what YOU can control... Oct 21, 2023

If you haven't seen the news, Bandcamp is going through yet another change of ownership, and a lot of artists are responding with fear and anger.

While nothing has actually changed with Bandcamp as a platform at this point, I can certainly understand those sentiments as a lover of Bandcamp...

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Silence is the most powerful tool in music. Oct 14, 2023

As a college freshman, I found myself slightly terrified and performing Chopin's Scherzo in B-Flat Minor in a masterclass (basically a public lesson with a guest pianist who had come to campus to perform a recital).

In that piece there's a moment where Chopin omits the first note of the opening...

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You don't have to know everything... Oct 07, 2023

When I started learning music production, it took me a looong time to work up the courage and confidence to release anything out into the world.

I wanted it to be perfect. I didn't want people to question whether I knew what I was doing (spoiler: I didn't).

There were two problems with my...

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Bach Didn't Write Chord Progressions... Sep 30, 2023

I don’t think Bach ever sat down and thought “gee, I’ve got to figure out a slapping chord progression for this week’s cantata….”

In fact, I don’t think Bach really thought about chord progressions at all.

When writing for a choir, or chamber...

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